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Contribute Towards International Peace


Today, September 21, is International Day of Peace ('Peace Day'). The UN General Assembly has asked the entire world to observe this day by committing itself to a day of non-violence and ceasefire, and reflecting on how to create the conditions for lasting peace.

For the global community who cares about IofC International, every day is International Peace Day. What is a more essential to peace than building trust across the world’s divides?

Today we are pleased to announce to our global fellowship that the Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF), an American educational trust, has recognized IofC International’s trustbuilding work and increasing potential in a very special way. EAF will contribute $25,000 if we can raise an additional $50,000 by December 31.

With this money we’ll be able to do more to inspire, equip, and connect people across the globe who aspire to be the change they want to see, who strive to find the inner strength and peace to be trustbuilders wherever they live. In days ahead we’ll share stories of people who have been transformed by the work of IofC International and can attest to its value. But for now, let’s take this moment to celebrate!

Any gift to IofC International counts, whether it’s for our general support of programs, local teams and people, or for the Trustbuilding Program. Let’s meet this challenge together!

Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.


Your contribution is now worth even more!

Thank you for your contribution to support IofC International’s work! We are incredibly grateful for your support.


Alex Wise
Development Officer
Initiatives of Change International